Recognizing Signs Of Starvation Mode For Effective Weight Loss
Calorie cutting is a common strategy in the quest for weight loss. Yet, there is a fine line between effective calorie reduction and pushing your body into starvation mode. It is a state that can hamper your fitness goals and
How Fast Can You Lose Weight By Not Eating? The Truth
The quest for rapid weight loss leads many to contemplate extreme strategies, with fasting often topping the list. As society moves towards quick fixes, fasting has not only emerged as a popular weight loss method but also as
How to Train Type 1 Muscle Fibers for Greater Endurance
If your goal is to PR a marathon, climb a mountain, or crush your coworkers in the annual office plank competition, you need to understand type 1 muscle fibers and how to build them. Of the two primary types of skeletal musc
5 Ways to Use Caffeine for Maximum Performance
Whether you want to take a HIIT class to the next level or increase your stamina on a run, all walks of active people have used caffeine to enhance performance. Some caffeine effects include helping boost energy and increase
Burn Fat And Build Muscle: Your Ultimate Diet Guide
Commencing on a fitness journey often revolves around two main goals: burning fat and building muscle. When your goal is to lose weight using a healthy process, you must remember that your weight loss journey is a balance of
Is There a “Best” Time to Take Beta-Alanine?
Beta-alanine is one of the most well-researched performance enhancers in the world of sports supplements. Studies show that taking it consistently for about four weeks can result in a higher resistance to fatigue, allowing yo
Reduce Soreness and Accelerate Recovery With a Contrast Bath
A contrast bath (or contrast water therapy) is a technical term for a hot bath, followed by a cold bath, followed by a hot bath, then a cold bath (repeated for about 20 minutes). This recovery modality could be more advantage
Can Some Foods Lower Blood Sugar?
If you’re trying to keep your blood glucose within a healthy range, you may be wondering which foods are best. Short answer: There are no foods that lower blood sugar. That’s because the carbohydrates (and sometimes prote
Can You Build as Much Muscle Using Vegan Protein Powder?
Play a game of word association with “vegan,” and “healthy” might come up rather quickly. “Muscular” might not. But that could change — and sooner than you might think. As plant-based lifestyles catch on for mor
What Are Blood Sugar Spikes and Why Are They Bad?
If you’ve ever experienced a quick surge and subsequent crash after consuming sugary foods, you have a basic understanding of glucose spikes. But the acute effects from a momentary surge in blood sugar are minor compared wi